105 of us have added our profiles to the Alumni Directory, so far.

Combined, we have 213 children, 241 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.

20 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces for a combined total of 190 years.

76 of us spent a combined total of 300 years earning 19 Associates, 52 Bachelors, 19 Masters and 4 Doctorate degrees.

Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 50 U.S. States or Territories, and another has visited 60 foreign countries.

4 of us have birthdays this month, and 8 of us have birthdays in March.

Currently, 43 of us are retired.


Top Songs: 1969-1970
t h e c l a s s o f 1 9 7 0



 67 messages have been added so far.

Is denbighreunions.com not making the sales it should?
Setup your Shopify store before black friday and:
Be Your Own Boss, you WANT a BUSINESS, not a website only!
The BEST VALUE for your money (+17000 happy clients) We provide you with LIFETIME SUPPORT
? We built stores making $10,000/month Yes, we pick BEST Products For You Too!
No sale in 30 days? Get a full refund!
convertingstore.myshopify.com |
Hello and thank you for reading my message.
I am sorry to contact you in this way.
My name is Johan Fourie I am a software developer that specializes in web related projects, I am a core developer.
I specifically specialize in data management and scraping and building web projects I have 17 years experience in development.
I am offering projects at cost in order to build up my portfolio.
Please visit PCXGroup.com and get in contact with me and tell me if you have any development needs. |
Does anyone have pics of our 1970 prom at the Chamberlain Hotel? I lost all photos in a house fire and am looking for any pics of me and Wayne Harris at the prom. Thanks! Lynn |
Hello everyone. The reunion sounds like it will be wonderful. Wish I could say hello to some of my class of 71 friends! |
In the process of selling my home in NC and moving to new condo in Clearwater, Florida! Retirement Phase 2! Will be moving in September and continuing to look for my lost shaker of salt somewhere on the beach. Sorry I'll miss the fun, but hope you all have a great time... |
Elated & proud to be a part of DHS’s 3rd graduating class in 1969. High School at DHS will always be remembered by me as one of the best seasons in my life. |
I’m confirming my reservation ... and navigating my way down the “Internet Rabbit Hole” and paying close attention because the menu items have changed. I hope to have a confirmation number (or two) by September! |
If you have paid for our 50th reunion already, you are all set for this September 25, 2021. |
I have paid the 67.00 last year. What other expenses with there be? |
1970 Senior Prom -- by: Lynn Watters | Sep. 7, 2018 - 1:24:50AM | |
Does anyone have any picture from the 1970 Senior Prom we had at the Chamberlain Hotel? Any pics would be appreciated. Thanks so much...
Lynn Jolly Watters |
Sorry to here the passing of Berverly -- by: Calvin Ray Harris | Sep. 3, 2017 - 10:39:09PM | |
To a very special person I was lucky to know and associate with in life. My heart is hurt forever. God Bless |
So sorry about my previous message getting bunged up. Here is dearest Kathleen's obituary and I pray you see it soon enough to offer your condolences.
HERNDON - Kathleen M. Weeks, 60, of Herndon, Va., passed away on Saturday, June 23, 2012, at Reston Hospital. She was preceded in death by her father, Lewis Weeks. Mrs. Weeks is survived by her husband, Grant R. Austin; mother Eileen Weeks; brother, Lindell Weeks; several nieces and nephews. She graduated from Denbigh High School and Christopher Newport College. A memorial service will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, June 29, 2012, at Adams-Green Funeral Home, 721 Elden Street Herndon, VA 20170. A reception will follow, information will be given at the service. Online condolences may be left at www.adamsgreen.com View and post condolences on our online guestbook at dailypress.com/guestbooks.
Published in Daily Press from June 26 to June 27, 2012 Print | View Guest Book |
Terri, My sister, Kathleen Weeks, Denbigh High class of 1970 passed away on June 23 in Herndon VA. My mother asked me to try to get notice of her passing to her Denbigh High friends via alumni website. I don't know how to contact them but perhaps you do. Service in Friday, 7PM at Adams-Green funeral home in Herndon VA. Thanks, Linnie On April 12, 2012, Diane Burgess Jones passed away in her sleep from a heart attack. She was suffering with diabetes. Her husband of 39 years, John Jones emailed this sad news. There is no obituary at this time. John emailed that they had two grown sons and one 10 yr. old granddaughter and that they lived in Ohio and is where Diane is buried. If you'd like to send condolences to John, his email is jjones865@woh.rr.com |
The Denbigh Class of 1971 is having its 40th Grand Reunion on July 29th and 30th. The committee is extending its invitation to the classes of 69 and 70, if you haven't heard.We hope you all can make it, the more the merrier right! Please email denbigh71 at gmail dot com so we can forward you the e-invitation asap. You can also get more information on Facebook.We are at 130 with more to come so the venue might change to a bigger place. Hope to hear from you, Diane and the 1971 committee |
Reunion Is Here! -- by: Tom Southard | Sep. 16, 2010 - 7:01:28PM | |
To everyone that has signed up and coming to the reunion and for your contributions to the website, the reunion committee sends a big "Thank You". We will have a great time this weekend catching up and for some it has been forty years. You will be on the list at the door for Saturday as we did not mail out tickets. Name badges with your high school picture will be given out also. See you there! |
Thanks -- by: Hank Henry | Sep. 8, 2010 - 11:04:08AM | |
Looking forward to it. Thanks to Tom and all of the others for putting this together. |
It Is Not Too Late!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- by: Tom Southard | Sep. 4, 2010 - 7:24:07AM | |
It is not too late to come to your reunion. If you decide at the last minute you would like to attend, you can pay cash Friday night at the meet and greet or Saturday night at the door. You will not be guaranteed a meal and it will cost you $65 cash but you will not be turned away. You are entitled to change your mind and attend as this will be one reunion to remember. We hope to see you there. |
the time is almost here for all of us to get together and I especially thank the committee and Tom for all of their hard work putting this event together....I have 10 people playing golf on Friday and have spots for up to 6 more....sign up by 9/11/10.... |
Hey Carol, it's been since the last reunion in 2006 so sure hope to see you on Friday nite! |
Our Class Reunion -- by: Carol Butler | Aug. 15, 2010 - 8:29:10PM | |
Hey there! I'm living downtown Norfolk; teaching CE classes to realtors & title agents around the State. Would LOVE to attend Sat nite, but I don't see any 1971 folks signed up!
Since I'm a woman, I can change my mind & sign up for Sat nite! I'll be there Fri nite, for sure! Carol |
t h e c l a s s o f 1 9 7 0



 67 messages have been added so far.

Is denbighreunions.com not making the sales it should?
Setup your Shopify store before black friday and:
Be Your Own Boss, you WANT a BUSINESS, not a website only!
The BEST VALUE for your money (+17000 happy clients) We provide you with LIFETIME SUPPORT
? We built stores making $10,000/month Yes, we pick BEST Products For You Too!
No sale in 30 days? Get a full refund!
convertingstore.myshopify.com |
Hello and thank you for reading my message.
I am sorry to contact you in this way.
My name is Johan Fourie I am a software developer that specializes in web related projects, I am a core developer.
I specifically specialize in data management and scraping and building web projects I have 17 years experience in development.
I am offering projects at cost in order to build up my portfolio.
Please visit PCXGroup.com and get in contact with me and tell me if you have any development needs. |
Does anyone have pics of our 1970 prom at the Chamberlain Hotel? I lost all photos in a house fire and am looking for any pics of me and Wayne Harris at the prom. Thanks! Lynn |
Hello everyone. The reunion sounds like it will be wonderful. Wish I could say hello to some of my class of 71 friends! |
In the process of selling my home in NC and moving to new condo in Clearwater, Florida! Retirement Phase 2! Will be moving in September and continuing to look for my lost shaker of salt somewhere on the beach. Sorry I'll miss the fun, but hope you all have a great time... |
Elated & proud to be a part of DHS’s 3rd graduating class in 1969. High School at DHS will always be remembered by me as one of the best seasons in my life. |
I’m confirming my reservation ... and navigating my way down the “Internet Rabbit Hole” and paying close attention because the menu items have changed. I hope to have a confirmation number (or two) by September! |
If you have paid for our 50th reunion already, you are all set for this September 25, 2021. |
I have paid the 67.00 last year. What other expenses with there be? |
1970 Senior Prom -- by: Lynn Watters | Sep. 7, 2018 - 1:24:50AM | |
Does anyone have any picture from the 1970 Senior Prom we had at the Chamberlain Hotel? Any pics would be appreciated. Thanks so much...
Lynn Jolly Watters |
Sorry to here the passing of Berverly -- by: Calvin Ray Harris | Sep. 3, 2017 - 10:39:09PM | |
To a very special person I was lucky to know and associate with in life. My heart is hurt forever. God Bless |
So sorry about my previous message getting bunged up. Here is dearest Kathleen's obituary and I pray you see it soon enough to offer your condolences.
HERNDON - Kathleen M. Weeks, 60, of Herndon, Va., passed away on Saturday, June 23, 2012, at Reston Hospital. She was preceded in death by her father, Lewis Weeks. Mrs. Weeks is survived by her husband, Grant R. Austin; mother Eileen Weeks; brother, Lindell Weeks; several nieces and nephews. She graduated from Denbigh High School and Christopher Newport College. A memorial service will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, June 29, 2012, at Adams-Green Funeral Home, 721 Elden Street Herndon, VA 20170. A reception will follow, information will be given at the service. Online condolences may be left at www.adamsgreen.com View and post condolences on our online guestbook at dailypress.com/guestbooks.
Published in Daily Press from June 26 to June 27, 2012 Print | View Guest Book |
Terri, My sister, Kathleen Weeks, Denbigh High class of 1970 passed away on June 23 in Herndon VA. My mother asked me to try to get notice of her passing to her Denbigh High friends via alumni website. I don't know how to contact them but perhaps you do. Service in Friday, 7PM at Adams-Green funeral home in Herndon VA. Thanks, Linnie On April 12, 2012, Diane Burgess Jones passed away in her sleep from a heart attack. She was suffering with diabetes. Her husband of 39 years, John Jones emailed this sad news. There is no obituary at this time. John emailed that they had two grown sons and one 10 yr. old granddaughter and that they lived in Ohio and is where Diane is buried. If you'd like to send condolences to John, his email is jjones865@woh.rr.com |
The Denbigh Class of 1971 is having its 40th Grand Reunion on July 29th and 30th. The committee is extending its invitation to the classes of 69 and 70, if you haven't heard.We hope you all can make it, the more the merrier right! Please email denbigh71 at gmail dot com so we can forward you the e-invitation asap. You can also get more information on Facebook.We are at 130 with more to come so the venue might change to a bigger place. Hope to hear from you, Diane and the 1971 committee |
Reunion Is Here! -- by: Tom Southard | Sep. 16, 2010 - 7:01:28PM | |
To everyone that has signed up and coming to the reunion and for your contributions to the website, the reunion committee sends a big "Thank You". We will have a great time this weekend catching up and for some it has been forty years. You will be on the list at the door for Saturday as we did not mail out tickets. Name badges with your high school picture will be given out also. See you there! |
Thanks -- by: Hank Henry | Sep. 8, 2010 - 11:04:08AM | |
Looking forward to it. Thanks to Tom and all of the others for putting this together. |
It Is Not Too Late!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- by: Tom Southard | Sep. 4, 2010 - 7:24:07AM | |
It is not too late to come to your reunion. If you decide at the last minute you would like to attend, you can pay cash Friday night at the meet and greet or Saturday night at the door. You will not be guaranteed a meal and it will cost you $65 cash but you will not be turned away. You are entitled to change your mind and attend as this will be one reunion to remember. We hope to see you there. |
the time is almost here for all of us to get together and I especially thank the committee and Tom for all of their hard work putting this event together....I have 10 people playing golf on Friday and have spots for up to 6 more....sign up by 9/11/10.... |
Hey Carol, it's been since the last reunion in 2006 so sure hope to see you on Friday nite! |
Our Class Reunion -- by: Carol Butler | Aug. 15, 2010 - 8:29:10PM | |
Hey there! I'm living downtown Norfolk; teaching CE classes to realtors & title agents around the State. Would LOVE to attend Sat nite, but I don't see any 1971 folks signed up!
Since I'm a woman, I can change my mind & sign up for Sat nite! I'll be there Fri nite, for sure! Carol |

•• ALUMNI ••
Yvonne Boyd Copeland-Hill |
Melody Brydson Lombardo |
Charles Doyal |
Douglas Fisher |
Thomas Grinels |
Charles Haas |
Gary Holsomback |
Richard Scott |
Marjorie Shambaugh Wanzer |
Nelson Shenk |
Janet Stone Reed |
Peggy Yoder Kipfer |

sign in to see dates

Eric Bankit |
Jesse Battle (1969) Dale Cheesemam |
James Beck (1971) |
Michael Carter |
James Conley, III |
Charles Doyal |
Douglas Fisher |
Thomas Grinels |
Charles Haas |
Christine Harrison Kufeldt |
Albert Henry |
James Herrin |
Tony Hettler |
Charles Joyner (1971) |
Robert Massie |
Jean-Luc Nash |
Douglas Norton |
Harold Petersen |
Paul Phillips |
David Roemer |
Richard Scott |
John Wiseman |

sign in for details


Classmates in the U.S.
Alabama |
2 |
Alaska |
2 |
Arizona |
1 |
California |
6 |
Colorado |
2 |
Florida |
14 |
Georgia |
7 |
Hawaii |
1 |
Idaho |
3 |
Illinois |
5 |
Iowa |
1 |
Kansas |
1 |
Kentucky |
1 |
Louisiana |
1 |
Maine |
1 |
Maryland |
3 |
Massachusetts |
1 |
Michigan |
1 |
Minnesota |
1 |
Mississippi |
2 |
New Jersey |
6 |
New Mexico |
1 |
New York |
1 |
North Carolina |
12 |
Ohio |
2 |
Oregon |
3 |
Pennsylvania |
3 |
South Carolina |
2 |
Tennessee |
4 |
Texas |
5 |
Utah |
4 |
Virginia |
137 |
Washington |
5 |
West Virginia |
1 |
Wisconsin |
2 |

Classmates Abroad:

Totals include confirmed and unconfirmed addresses as input by the reunion committee.