105 of us have added our profiles to the Alumni Directory, so far.
Combined, we have 213 children, 242 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.
20 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces for a combined total of 190 years.
75 of us spent a combined total of 299 years earning 19 Associates, 52 Bachelors, 19 Masters and 4 Doctorate degrees.
Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 50 U.S. States or Territories, and another has visited 60 foreign countries.
6 of us have birthdays this month, and 6 of us have birthdays in October.
Currently, 43 of us are retired.
Top Songs: 1969-1970
•• ALUMNI ••
Eric Bankit |
James Conley, III |
Linda Connors Harris |
William Cunningham |
Marvin Echols |
Tony Hettler |
Charles Joyner (1971) |
Trina Myrdal Ceppi |
Paul Phillips |
Ruth Roush Allerton |
Eunice Wallace Stepherson |
Jacalyn Watts Johnson |
sign in to see dates
Eric Bankit |
Jesse Battle (1969) Dale Cheesemam |
James Beck (1971) |
Michael Carter |
James Conley, III |
Charles Doyal |
Douglas Fisher |
Thomas Grinels |
Charles Haas |
Christine Harrison Kufeldt |
Albert Henry |
James Herrin |
Tony Hettler |
Charles Joyner (1971) |
Robert Massie |
Jean-Luc Nash |
Douglas Norton |
Harold Petersen |
Paul Phillips |
David Roemer |
Richard Scott |
John Wiseman |
sign in for details
Classmates in the U.S.
Alabama |
2 |
Alaska |
2 |
Arizona |
1 |
California |
6 |
Colorado |
2 |
Florida |
14 |
Georgia |
7 |
Hawaii |
1 |
Idaho |
3 |
Illinois |
5 |
Iowa |
1 |
Kansas |
1 |
Kentucky |
1 |
Louisiana |
1 |
Maine |
1 |
Maryland |
3 |
Massachusetts |
1 |
Michigan |
1 |
Minnesota |
1 |
Mississippi |
2 |
New Jersey |
6 |
New Mexico |
1 |
New York |
1 |
North Carolina |
12 |
Ohio |
2 |
Oregon |
3 |
Pennsylvania |
3 |
South Carolina |
2 |
Tennessee |
4 |
Texas |
5 |
Utah |
4 |
Virginia |
138 |
Washington |
5 |
West Virginia |
1 |
Wisconsin |
2 |
Classmates Abroad:
Totals include confirmed and unconfirmed addresses as input by the reunion committee.